Menu Planning Monday - A Summer Showdown

I am trying out some new recipes this week, new conceptual plans for family dinners that work better with our summer life style.

My plan for the summer is to cook as little in the house as possible and to turn the oven on only once a week for Shabbat.

Our general dinner plan will be
  1. A Supper Salad
  2. Something on the grill - kebobs, burgers, etc
  3. pasta or pizza or leftovers
  4. stir fry
  5. Shabbat
  6. leftovers
  7. surprise - ie whatever I feel like that week.
The trick will be finding supper salads and grill items the whole family is willing to eat. Here are the specifics for this week. I have the specific menus but since my evening plans are greatly in flux with several possible meetings, the order of the meals is not set yet.

Hamburgers, corn on the cob, green salad with lettuce and spinach from our garden
Black bean and rice salad using either this or this recipe, fresh fruit and crusty peasant bread (hopefully homemade)
Pasta, homemade sauce and a green salad
Tofu Stir Fry, Rice and Keem

Shabbat -
part of prepping for Shabbat in the summer is doing my once a week baking. In addition to making the Challah, I will make a batch of cookies and muffins. Our menu will also provide leftovers to use ins several meals next week.
Shabbat menu - Roast Chicken (leftovers will go into the supper salad for next week), Steamed broccoli, roasted potatoes (with extras for potato salad) individual berry parfaits with homemade coconut milk ice cream.


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