Rythyms of the Week

With the start of the new year, we have added two classes and a coop day to our already established schedule of storytime and Shabbat observances. These added activities have prompted questions about what day it is. So Froggy is starting to learn the days of the week. We are singing a days of the week song every day since Froggy loves songs and learns so well from songs. Part of our bedtime routine now is calendar time. We cross the day off talking about the name of the day, put a star on that day if we have no potty accidents and pack our bag for the next day. I am also getting a few books like this from our library to help explain the cyclic nature of the week. We have had a great deal of success using ideas from Seven Times Around The Sun to help with the cyclic nature of each day but we are still struggling with the larger cycles.


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